Bio-detergent Laundry Cream, 1kg (Triple Orange)


Detergent and fabric softener in one. Triple Orange Bio-Detergentis a powerful laundry detergent and degreaser which requiresno softener and is PH balanced. It is 100% bio-degradable, gentle on your fabrics and acts as a softener as well.

Availability: In stock

Triple Orange

Ingredients: Orange Oil, Water, Sulphonic (garlic & onion extract), Cellulouse (plant) and 0.01% caustic.

Triple Orangeproduces a range of household cleaners that are made from all-natural products. They are safe for you and your children, much healthier and more cost effective solution to everyday cleaning. Their products bring results and freshness without the harmful chemicals ingredients of other cleansing products.

Bio-detergent (Triple Orange)Bio-detergent Laundry Cream, 1kg (Triple Orange)

Availability: In stock

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