Natural Lip Balm, Lavender (Nourish)


Nourish Natural Lip balm is hand-made with pure natural ingredients such as shea butter, jojoba oil and essential oils to soothe and protect the skin. The Lavender Essential Oil is this Lip Balm adds unique natural scent and helps combat dry and/or chipped lips. It is perfect for outdoors, during dry season and for preparing the lips before applying a lipstick. Nourish Natural Lip Balms are free of any synthetic ingredients and preservatives.

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Ingredients: Shea butter, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E oil, Lavender essential oil.

  • No artificial colourants
  • No artificial flavours
  • No preservatives

Directions for use: Use on lips when needed to moisturiser and soften the skin. Can also be applied prior applying lipstick.


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