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Looking at Triphala: How it is Made and Its Health Benefits

Looking at Triphala: How it is Made and Its Health Benefits

Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic fruit blend that is a significant natural remedy. Originating from the Indian subcontinent, it is more than just a supplement – it represents the holistic approach of Ayurvedic medicine.

With the growing interest in organic and sustainable health solutions, Triphala emerges as a symbol of wellness in the space, and we can see why. 

Triphala has many benefits, including:

  1. Promoting gut health and regular bowel movements.
  2. Combating oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  3. Strengthening of the immune system and improving eye health.
  4. Supporting healthy skin and scalp.
  5. Aiding in digestion and promoting natural detoxification for weight management.

This article will explore the profound composition of Triphala and how it can enhance our health.

A Closer Look At Triphala

The “Tri-Sacred” Composition

Triphala is a Sanskrit word that translates to “three fruits.”

It refers to Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Each fruit targets a specific aspect of health and wellness, contributing to Triphala’s comprehensive benefits.

triphala tri-sacred fruit

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Also known as Indian gooseberry or Amla, it is a fruit commonly used in traditional Indian medicine. It is known for its high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants and is believed to have numerous health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting the immune system, and promoting healthy skin and hair. The fruit is often consumed raw or in the form of juice and used in various Ayurvedic remedies.

Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica): This is a tree species native to Southeast Asia and South Asia. It is commonly known as the Beleric or Bastard Myrobalan. The tree’s fruit is used in traditional medicine and is known for its astringent and laxative properties. In Ayurveda, a form of traditional Indian medicine, the fruit treats various ailments such as respiratory infections, sore throats, and digestive issues.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): This is also a type of tree species commonly found in South Asia, particularly in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It is also known as the black myrobalan or the ink nut tree. The fruit of this tree is often used in traditional medicine due to its various health benefits. It is believed to help with digestion, improve skin and hair health, and even aid in weight loss. Additionally, the fruit is often used in Ayurvedic medicine and is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Shop Organic Choice’s Triphala

How is Triphala Made?

Traditionally, Triphala is made by drying the three fruits and grinding them into a fine powder. The powder can be consumed directly or infused into a tea. Modern preparations include tablets and capsules, making Triphala more adaptable to different forms of packaging and distribution.

Step 1: Farming the Three Fruits

Triphala’s a blend of three fruits are harvested from their large trees:

  • Amalaki trees are found in the subtropical regions of India. They require well-drained, slightly alkaline soil.
  • Bibhitaki trees thrive in dry, deciduous forests throughout India. They are adaptable to various soil types but prefer moist, riverine environments.
  • Haritaki trees are most commonly found in the Himalayas’ foothills, extending into northeastern India. They grow in various environments, from moist forests to dry zones.

Step 2: Drying the Fruits

Once harvested, the fruits are cleaned and laid out to dry under the sun or in controlled-temperature rooms to reduce moisture content. This process can take several days, depending on the fruit and the conditions. The aim is to dry the fruits thoroughly without losing their nutritional content.

Step 3: Crushing and Grinding

After drying, the fruits are de-seeded and crushed or ground into a fine powder. Traditional methods involve using stone grinders, which help maintain a cool temperature during grinding and preserve the fruits’ natural properties. Modern practices may use mechanical grinders to achieve fine consistency, speeding up the process without significantly impacting the quality.

Step 4: Infusing Triphala

Triphala powder can be infused into tea or mixed with warm water for direct consumption. To infuse Triphala, a teaspoon of the powder is typically added to a cup of hot water and left to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. This allows the soluble active ingredients to be extracted, making them readily available for absorption.

Step 5: Encapsulation

For those preferring a more convenient consumption method, Triphala powder is encapsulated. The powder is compacted into a precise dosage and then enclosed in a capsule, usually made from gelatin or a vegetarian substitute. This process involves specialised machinery to ensure uniformity and dosage accuracy.

Step 6: Distribution

Once encapsulated, Triphala is packaged and distributed. Packaging is designed to protect the capsules from moisture, sunlight, and contamination to preserve their potency. The final product is distributed through health food stores, pharmacies, and online platforms, making Triphala accessible worldwide.

Triphala in Ayurvedic Practice

Ayurveda is a medical practice that originated in India thousands of years ago. 

It is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda practitioners use various techniques, including herbal remedies, massage, and dietary changes, to promote this balance and support overall health and well-being.

Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha - Ayurvedic Body Types Rooted in the Elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth

In Ayurveda, Triphala is considered a ‘Rasayana’, which is believed to promote longevity and rejuvenation by balancing the three doshas. The three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are the primary energies that govern our body’s various physiological and psychological functions. According to Ayurveda, any imbalance in these doshas can lead to physical and mental health issues.

Triphala is an excellent natural remedy that helps to balance these doshas and promote overall health and well-being. It is known for its numerous health benefits, including improving digestion, enhancing immunity, promoting healthy skin and hair, aiding weight loss, and reducing inflammation.

The use of Triphala dates back thousands of years, and its enduring significance in holistic health is a testament to its effectiveness. It is a safe and natural remedy that can be used by people of all ages and is an essential part of Ayurvedic medicine.

Benefits of Triphala

1. Digestive Health

Triphala has been a cornerstone in digestive wellness, promoting gut health and regular bowel movements. Its natural laxative properties, coupled with the ability to detoxify the system, make it an invaluable aid in digestive health.

2. Antioxidant Properties

Triphala’s antioxidant properties combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Its components are rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants, offering cellular protection against free radical damage.

3. Immune System Booster

Triphala strengthens the immune system through its immunomodulatory effects, a particularly beneficial property as we navigate the changing seasons in the Southern Hemisphere.

4. Skin and Hair Care

Triphala’s benefits extend to skin and hair health, offering a natural remedy for acne and hair loss. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties support healthy skin and scalp.

5. Weight Management

Triphala can be a supportive ally in weight management efforts. It aids digestion and promotes a natural detoxification process, thus helping to maintain a healthy weight.

Shop Organic Choice’s Triphala

Nutritional Properties of Triphala

Triphala’s therapeutic and nutrient-rich effect is one of the many reasons it is a highly revered organic supplement. 

One key compound contributing to its health benefits is gallic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alongside gallic acid, Triphala contains various bioactive compounds and nutrients that synergistically support overall health.

Here’s a closer look at some of these nutritional properties:

Gallic Acid

  • Antioxidant Properties: Gallic acid is known for its strong antioxidant properties, which help combat oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: It can help reduce inflammation, potentially benefiting conditions where inflammation is a key factor.
  • Antimicrobial Activity: Gallic acid has antimicrobial properties, making it effective against many bacteria and fungi.

Other Nutritional Compounds in Triphala

  • Vitamin C: Particularly from Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), which is rich in Vitamin C and supports immune function and skin health.
  • Tannins: In addition to gallic acid, Triphala contains other tannins, such as chebulinic acid and corilagin, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Flavonoids: These compounds in Triphala are known for their antioxidant and anticancer activities.
  • Saponins: Present in Triphala, saponins have cholesterol-lowering and immune-boosting effects.
  • Polyphenols: Triphala is a rich source of polyphenols, which contribute to its antioxidant properties and may offer protection against several diseases.

Health Benefits

The use of Triphala to promote your health has become more widely accepted.

It contains antioxidants that neutralise free radicals, prevent cellular damage, and reduce oxidative stress. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that support a healthy immune system and prevent various diseases. Additionally, Triphala has analgesic, antibacterial, anti-arthritic, hypoglycemic, anti-ageing, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that help with headaches, dyspepsia, fatigue, and infectious disorders.

Shop Organic Choice’s Triphala

The Organic Choice

The story of Triphala, from seed to supplement, speaks to its roots in Ayurvedic tradition and its acceptance in modern wellness; we’ve intertwined ancient wisdom with contemporary health practices. 

This potent blend of three fruits is meticulously harvested, prepared, and transformed into a form accessible to all. It embodies the best natural remedies and offers a holistic approach to health that spans nutrition, digestive wellness, immune support, and more.

Integrating Triphala into our daily routines, we embrace a philosophy that harmonises body, mind, and spirit.

Let Triphala remind you of your connection to nature. Shop at Organic Choice, embrace Triphala and find wellness. Organic Choice’s products offer a way to live more fully and in tune with our natural world.

The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs

The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic health practice offering valuable insights and remedies that have proven effective over time. It is based on the philosophy that the body is a complex system of energy flows and balances. The practice includes techniques such as acupuncture, qi gong (martial arts), and herbal medicines.

Traditional Chinese Medicine prioritises preventing illness and maintaining wellness by addressing the root causes of health issues rather than merely treating symptoms.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in interest in natural and holistic health solutions. This shift reflects a growing awareness and concern over synthetic chemicals’ impacts on our environment and health. As a result, Chinese herbs have been celebrated for their purity, efficacy, and adherence to sustainable and ethical cultivation principles.


Philosophy Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The principles of balance, harmony, and energy are at the core of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These principles reflect a profound understanding of the human body and its connections with the natural world.

Chinese medicine is not just a method of treating illness; it’s a philosophy that aims to maintain health and prevent disease through a harmonious balance within the body.


Balance and Harmony

traditional chinese medicine - yin and yang The principle of balance in Traditional Chinese Medicine is closely linked to the concept of Yin and Yang, which refers to opposing yet complementary forces that exist in every aspect of life.

In the traditional Chinese view, health is achieved when these forces are in equilibrium, whereas disease arises from imbalances between the Yin and Yang. Harmony, another critical principle, refers to the body’s internal systems working in unison with the external environment.

These practices strive to restore this harmony, enhancing the body’s natural healing abilities.


Energy as a Life Force

Meridian Energy - Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Energy, or Qi (pronounced “chi”), is the life force that flows through the body along specific pathways known as meridians.

The smooth and unobstructed flow of Qi is essential for good health, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine Practises. The belief is that disruptions in the flow of Qi can lead to imbalances and illness.


Diagnosing and Treating Health Issues

TCM Diagnosis

Practitioners use techniques such as pulse taking, tongue observation, and detailed questioning about one’s lifestyle and habits to determine the nature of the imbalance.

After diagnosing the underlying issues, the treatment plan is customised to address the individual’s specific body requirements. The goal is to restore balance and harmony in the body, which may involve various methods, including lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and the use of natural substances such as herbs.

Traditional Chinese Medicinal treatments are inherently individualised, based on the belief that every person’s journey towards health and balance is unique.


The Role of Chinese Herbs

Chinese traditional medicinal herbs

Herbs are selected for their specific energies and properties, which are believed to interact with the body’s own Qi.

Chinese herbs amplify these benefits, as they are free from chemical contaminants that could disrupt the body’s balance. These herbs are employed in various forms – teas, powders, tinctures – and are often combined in carefully crafted formulas that synergise their effects, enhancing their ability to restore health and maintain balance.

See Organic Choice’s Range of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese herbs are distinguished by their cultivation methods, therapeutic efficacy, and alignment with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles.

Unlike conventional herbs, which are often grown with synthetic chemicals, Chinese herbs are nurtured naturally, free from the influence of chemical pesticides, fertilisers, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

This approach to cultivating herbs focuses on natural methods, which ensures that the herbs are pure and offer maximum health benefits. This commitment to natural growth processes not only preserves the integrity of the herbs but also enhances their potency, making them safe for consumption.


Pure, Potent and Effective

TCM drawing Chinese herbs distinguish themselves through their purity. Without the chemical residues found in conventionally grown herbs, organic herbs offer a cleaner alternative, ensuring that the body is nourished without exposure to potentially harmful substances.

These herbs are grown in natural soil and allowed to develop at their natural pace, which results in these organic herbs developing a richer profile of active compounds. This enhanced potency means the herbs can work more effectively, delivering more potent health benefits than those grown under conventional methods.

Moreover, the absence of chemical pesticides in the farming of these herbs benefits consumers and the environment. This organic approach to cultivating protects water quality and promotes biodiversity, making organic herbs a more sustainable and ethical choice.


General Health Benefits of Chinese Herbs

  • Boost Immunity: Certain herbs are renowned for strengthening the immune system and enhancing the body’s resistance to illness and infection.
  • Improve Stress Response: Chinese herbs, such as adaptogens, help regulate the body’s stress response, promote relaxation, and reduce anxiety.
  • Enhance Respiratory Health: Chinese herbs can help clear congestion, soothe irritated airways, and support lung health for those suffering from respiratory conditions.
  • Support Digestion: Chinese herbs can help balance the digestive system, alleviating symptoms of bloating, discomfort, and irregularity.


Organic Principles Meets Traditional Chinese Medicinal Philosophy

TCM illustration

Organic cultivation practices aim to collaborate with nature, preserving the vitality of the soil and the ecosystems where herbs are grown.

Choosing clean and pure products helps avoid consuming residual pesticides and fertilisers, preserving the integrity of the herbs. Chinese herbs are deeply rooted in these organic principles. They believe that the path to healing nurtures the individual and honours the environment from which these powerful remedies are derived.


The Organic Choice:


Spotlight on ChinaHerb’s Traditional Chinese Medicine

ChinaHerb offers natural, holistic healing solutions.

Their top-of-the-range products not only tap into the practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine but also meet the modern demands for purity and efficacy.

Among their standout products are FuZheng, Nervolax, and the Children’s Cough Formula – each serving unique health needs.


FuZheng for Your Immune System

FuZheng is designed to enhance the body’s immune response. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, FuZheng’s role is to “support the correct,” helping to strengthen the body’s inherent ability to defend itself against pathogens. Its organic certification is a testament to the purity and potency of the herbs used, ensuring that consumers receive the full benefits without any harmful chemical residues.

The formulation of FuZheng reflects a deep understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine principles. It combines herbs known for their ability to nourish Qi, improve blood circulation, and support vital organ functions. This makes FuZheng essential in maintaining health and vitality, particularly when the immune system needs extra support. Research into the herbs used in FuZheng highlights their immunomodulatory effects, showcasing the scientific basis for their traditional use.









Shop FuZheng for immune support


Nervolax (Wen Dan Tang) for Stress

Stress and anxiety are increasingly common challenges. Nervolax offers a natural solution, drawing on the calming properties of Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs to soothe the mind and body. It is particularly relevant for those dealing with stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and even addictions, providing a holistic alternative to conventional treatments.

Nervolax’s formulation is carefully crafted to balance the body’s response to stress, promoting relaxation and mental clarity. As people look to avoid the adverse side effects of pharmaceuticals, there is a growing demand for natural ways to manage stress. Nervolax’s organic nature ensures that users receive a clean, compelling product in harmony with the body’s natural processes.









Shop Nervolax for stress and anxiety


Children’s Cough Formula (Zhi Ke Bao) for Gentle Relief

Introducing the Children’s Cough Formula that addresses the health needs of children with the gentleness and safety of pure and clean ingredients. Tailored to alleviate coughs and soothe respiratory discomfort, this formula is a testament to the gentle efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for little ones.

The safety and gentleness of the herbal ingredients in the Children’s Cough Formula make it an ideal choice for parents looking for natural remedies. The careful selection of herbs targets the root cause of the cough, providing relief while supporting the body’s healing processes. This approach ensures that children are not only relieved of their symptoms but also nurtured back to health in the most natural way possible.









Shop Children’s Cough Formula for natural cough relief


The Organic Choice

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine illuminates a path to the holistic well-being of the body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbs are increasingly used as natural, preventive healthcare. When combined with modern wellness practices, these traditional practices offer new ways to achieve and maintain good health in harmony with nature.

Embrace Holistic Health with Organic Choice

Are you ready to explore the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese herbs?

Visit Organic Choice today to browse our range of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Let these traditional practices guide you towards a more balanced, healthy life. Start your journey to better health with Organic Choice.

Collagen, Whey, or Plant-Based Protein: Making the Organic Choice

Collagen, Whey, or Plant-Based Protein: Making the Organic Choice

The ever-growing beauty and fitness craze has seen protein take centre stage in our diets and wellness routines. With a particular spotlight on collagen, the beauty-boosting favourite, and whey protein shakes and snacks to build muscle.

Navigating this vast sea of protein supplements, from powders to capsules to bars and beyond, it’s essential to know what exactly we’re putting into our bodies. What are we fueling our bodies with, and are they truly benefiting our health?

This article delves into the different proteins, giving insight into their impact and offering alternative organic sources.

Protein: The Building Blocks of Your Body

Protein is a critical macronutrient that acts as the building block for muscles, bones, skin, and hormones.

Comprised of amino acids, proteins are categorised into ‘complete’ and ‘incomplete’ types, depending on their amino acid profile. Complete proteins, which contain all nine essential amino acids, are typically found in animal products, while plant-based proteins often need to be combined to achieve this completeness.

What are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are a type of organic molecule that are crucial for a variety of biological processes. They play an important role in synthesising proteins, neurotransmitters, and metabolic pathways.

20 different types of amino acids can be found in proteins, each with its unique chemical structure and function. Out of the 20 amino acids, nine are considered essential. This means that our bodies cannot produce them naturally, and we must obtain them through our diet.

These 9 essential amino acids are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

When we consume proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids, we provide our bodies with the necessary building blocks to synthesise new proteins and repair damaged tissues.

Animal products like meat, fish, and dairy contain all nine essential amino acids that make a complete protein. On the other hand, most plant-based proteins lack one or more of these essential amino acids, so they need to be combined with other sources to achieve completeness. However, there are some exceptions, like quinoa, hemp seeds, and buckwheat, where these plant proteins contain all nine essential amino acids.

Collagen: More Than Just a Beauty Protein

Collagen, a protein hailed for its skin-enhancing and joint-supporting properties, is abundant in our bodies. However, our body’s natural collagen production declines as we age, leading to common signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and joint pain. This reduction has spurred interest in collagen supplements, which claim to replenish collagen levels, promoting health and youthfulness.

The Basics of Collagen

Collagen is a powerhouse protein crucial for maintaining the structure and integrity of skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. It’s the most abundant protein in the human body and a key component in various health and beauty products.

Understanding the different types of collagen and their specific benefits can help individuals make informed choices about supplementation and skin care.

Types of Collagen

There are at least 28 types of collagen identified by science, but types I, II, and III are the most common in supplements due to their roles in the body:

  • Type I Collagen: The most abundant type of collagen in the human body and is essential for maintaining healthy skin, bones, teeth, connective tissue, and tendons. It plays a vital role in providing structure and elasticity to the skin, which helps reduce wrinkles and increases smoothness. Marine collagen, which is sourced from fish, is a rich source of Type I collagen and is considered more easily absorbed and bioavailable than other sources of collagen.
  • Type II Collagen: Primarily present in cartilage, it plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy joints. Type II collagen supplements are usually sourced from chicken or other poultry. These supplements are believed to alleviate the joint pain and inflammation commonly associated with arthritis.
  • Type III Collagen: Supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It’s often found alongside Type I collagen in the body and plays a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health. Bovine collagen, sourced from cows, is a common source of Types I and III collagen.

Choosing the Right Collagen Supplement

When selecting a collagen supplement, consider the source and the type of collagen it contains:

Source: Collagen supplements are derived from various sources, including bovine (cow), porcine (pig), chicken, and marine (fish). Each source provides different types of collagen, so choosing one that aligns with your health goals is important. For example, marine collagen is best for skin health, while chicken-derived collagen is more suited for joint support.

Hydrolysed Collagen: Also known as collagen peptides, hydrolysed collagen has been broken down into smaller, easily digestible pieces. This form is more bioavailable, meaning it’s easier for the body to absorb and utilise.

Certifications and Quality: Look for third-party supplements tested for purity and safety. Certifications can assure that the product is free from harmful contaminants.

The Benefits of Collagen Supplementation

Supplementing with collagen can offer numerous health benefits. In addition to the already mentioned joint, skin, and heart health improvements, it has also been credited with promoting gut health and strengthening hair and nails.

Here is a summary of its researched benefits:

  • Improved Skin Health: Collagen is pivotal in maintaining skin elasticity and hydration.
  • Joint Support: Collagen helps maintain cartilage’s integrity, the rubber-like tissue that protects joints.
  • Bone Health: Collagen provides structure to bones, helping to keep them strong.
  • Muscle Mass Maintenance: Collagen contains amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth.
  • Hair and Nail Strength: Collagen may increase nail strength by preventing brittleness and stimulating hair and nail growth.
  • Gut Health: Although research is still emerging, some studies suggest that collagen supplementation could support gut health, potentially aiding in the repair of the intestinal lining and mitigating symptoms of gut-related disorders.

Furthermore, we can provide more comprehensive support to the body’s connective tissues by supplementing additional types IV, V, and X collagen to the commonly supplemented types I, II, and III. This expansion of collagen types, included in NaturePlus’ Collagen Peptides, offers extended health benefits, such as better skin barrier function, improved hair growth, enhanced placental health during pregnancy, stronger bone formation, and more effective joint and cartilage repair. 

See our range of collagen at Organic Choice.

Whey Protein: The Muscle Builder

Whey protein is one of the most popular dietary supplements among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts because of its high-quality protein content. This protein content is efficient in muscle repair, recovery, and growth.

Whey protein is a by-product of cheese production that is known for its ability to support muscle repair and growth. It is considered a complete protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce independently.

These amino acids are crucial for muscle repair and growth, making whey protein an ideal supplement for athletes and those who engage in regular physical activity. Furthermore, whey protein is easily digested and absorbed by the body, making it an efficient source of protein.

Understanding Whey Protein Quality

The quality of whey protein is determined by its amino acid profile and its bioavailability (how easily it’s absorbed and utilised by the body). Whey protein comes in three main forms: concentrate (WPC), isolate (WPI), and hydrolysate (WPH). Each form has a different protein content, with isolates being the purest form.

The Dangers of Incomplete Whey Protein

Nutritional Deficiency: Incomplete whey protein lacks one or more essential amino acids, which can lead to dietary imbalances or deficiencies, especially if whey is a primary protein source in one’s diet.

Impaired Muscle Repair and Growth: Incomplete proteins may not provide all the necessary amino acids for optimal muscle protein synthesis, potentially diminishing workout results and recovery.

Increased Risk of Contaminants: Low-quality whey protein supplements, often characterised by their incompleteness, may also carry a higher risk of containing contaminants and additives. These can include heavy metals, such as lead or arsenic, and unnecessary fillers or artificial ingredients, posing additional health risks.

Misleading Claims: Some supplements may market themselves as containing “whey protein” without specifying the type or quality, misleading consumers about their efficacy.

How to Choose a Safe and Effective Whey Protein

Look for Complete Protein Sources: Ensure the whey protein is labelled as containing all nine essential amino acids. Opt for whey protein isolate or hydrolysate for the highest purity and protein content.

Check for Certifications: Look for supplements that have been third-party tested and certified by reputable organisations. These certifications help ensure the product meets high-quality standards and is free from harmful levels of contaminants.

Read Ingredient Labels Carefully: Choose products with minimal ingredients and without unnecessary fillers, artificial sweeteners, or additives. The simpler the ingredient list, the better.

Research Brands: Invest in brands with a good reputation for quality and transparency. Reading reviews, seeking recommendations from trusted fitness professionals, and researching can help identify the best products on the market.

See our Whey Protein at Organic Choice.

Plant-Based Proteins: A Sustainable Choice

As we become more environmentally aware, plant-based proteins are gaining popularity for their lower carbon footprint, ethical considerations regarding animal welfare and sustainability.

Pea, hemp, rice and soy protein offer rich protein sources for those seeking alternatives to animal products. By combining different plant-based proteins, individuals can ensure they’re receiving a complete amino acid profile while supporting a more sustainable food system.

Here’s an insight into plant-based proteins, highlighting their sources, benefits, and considerations for inclusion in your diet:

Sources of Plant-Based Proteins

Plant-based proteins can be found in a diverse range of foods, ensuring there’s something to suit every palate and dietary requirement. Key sources include:

Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are rich in protein and fibre, making them filling and nutritious.

Grains: Quinoa, barley, and oats provide protein, essential vitamins, and minerals.

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds are high in protein, healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Soy Products: Tofu, tempeh, and edamame are among the most protein-rich plant foods, offering a versatile and widely accessible source of plant-based protein.

Vegetables: While generally not as protein-dense as legumes or nuts, certain vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and asparagus offer moderate amounts of protein.

Benefits of Plant-Based Proteins

Nutritional Value: Plant-based proteins often have a high fibre content, essential nutrients, and fewer saturated fats than animal proteins. This can contribute to better heart health, weight management, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Environmental Sustainability: Producing plant-based proteins typically requires less water, land, and energy.

Ethical Considerations: Plant-based proteins provide an ethical alternative that avoids harmful animal farming practices.

Combining Plant Proteins for Complete Nutrition

Plant proteins (except soy and quinoa) are deficient in one or more essential amino acids.

Consuming various plant-based protein sources throughout the day is important to ensure a complete amino acid profile. This practice is known as protein complementation.

Tips for Achieving Protein Complementation

Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan, or just looking to diversify your protein intake, plant-based proteins can play a key role in a balanced and healthy diet.

Diversify Your Sources: Incorporate a wide range of plant-based proteins into your meals to ensure a comprehensive nutrient intake.

Experiment with Meat Alternatives: To add diversity to your diet, explore the variety of meat alternatives available, such as veggie burgers or “meatballs” made from legumes and grains.

Enhance Flavours Naturally: Use herbs, spices, and marinades to enhance the natural flavours of plant proteins, making them just as satisfying as their animal counterparts.

Plant-based proteins offer a viable, sustainable, and nutritious alternative to traditional animal-based proteins. With a variety of sources available, they can easily be incorporated into any diet, providing health benefits while also addressing environmental and ethical concerns.

See our range of Plant-Based Proteins at Organic Choice. 

What Classifies a Protein Supplement as Organic?

A protein supplement is classified as organic, more appropriately referred to as “clean” based on its source and the methods used in farming, processing, and manufacturing.

Here are the criteria to classify each type of protein supplement as a clean protein:


Sourcing: Clean collagen must come from animals raised according to organic farming practices. This includes feeding the animals organic feed and avoiding using antibiotics, growth hormones, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Processing: The process of extracting collagen from animal tissues must not involve synthetic chemicals. Any additional ingredients included in the collagen supplement also need to be organic.


Animal Welfare: Clean whey protein is derived from the milk of cows raised on organic feed without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. These cows are not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones and usually have access to pasture.

Non-GMO: The feed given to these cows must be free from genetically modified organisms.

Processing: Similar to collagen, processing whey protein into a supplement must avoid using synthetic additives or processing aids. Any flavourings, sweeteners, or other additives included must also meet organic standards.

Plant-Based Proteins

Organic Farming: Plant-based proteins (such as pea, rice, hemp, and soy) need to be sourced from crops grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilisers. Organic farming practices promote soil and water conservation and reduce pollution.

Non-GMO: The plants used for organic protein powders must be non-genetically modified.

Processing: The process of extracting protein from plant sources and turning it into powder form must not involve synthetic chemicals. Additionally, any other ingredients mixed with the protein powder need to be organic to maintain the organic classification of the final product.

The Organic Choice

Making a decision between collagen, whey, or plant-based proteins is crucial for meeting your dietary requirements. However, it has a significant impact not only on your health but also on animal welfare and the environment. It doesn’t matter if you’re protein-crazy, collagen-obsessed, or just striving for a balanced diet; it’s essential to evaluate the quality of your protein as much as the quantity.

Visit Organic Choice for our selection of clean protein supplements and start making healthier, more ethical decisions.

Children’s Supplements: 5 Reasons Why They’re Essential

Children’s Supplements: 5 Reasons Why They’re Essential

As a parent, ensuring the health and well-being of your children is one of the most daunting tasks you can face.

From teaching them their first words to watching them take their first steps, every milestone in your child’s life is joyous. However, their nutritional needs become more complex as they age and navigate the world.

A balanced diet and regular outdoor activities take care of the basics; however, there are many uncertainties, diseases and what-ifs in the outside world. Equipping your child with supplementary vitamins and minerals is one of the best ways to prepare them.

Children’s supplements offer essential nutrients that perform crucial functions in the human body.

This article will explore how vitamins and minerals are crucial to your child’s overall development and well-being.

1) Promotes Healthy Growth

Every day in a child’s life is a day of growth and development. Their bodies require many nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, to support this rapid change.

The human body relies heavily on various nutrients to fuel growth and development, each playing unique and often interconnected roles. We can find these nutrients are found in balanced diets, exercise, and supplementary forms.

Vitamins and Minerals Functions and Their Deficiencies

Vitamin A

  • Vitamin A is crucial for developing and maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and immune responses. It plays a pivotal role in cell growth and differentiation, impacting vital organs and systems throughout the body.
  • A deficiency in Vitamin A during childhood can lead to impaired vision, particularly in low light (night blindness), and can also increase the risk of infections and delay growth.

Vitamin Bs

  • Vitamins B1 through B12 are essential nutrients that play crucial roles in maintaining good health. They are necessary for energy production, maintaining healthy skin and eyes, synthesising fatty acids, producing red blood cells, and much more. 
  • A deficiency in any of the B vitamins can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, skin disorders, anaemia, mood disturbances, and neurological issues. 

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system, aids tissue growth and repair, and is essential for healing wounds and maintaining bones and teeth.
  • Lack of Vitamin C can lead to scurvy, anaemia, gum disease, and skin haemorrhages.

Vitamin D

  • Getting enough Vitamin D is essential for maintaining strong bones.
  • Children’s bones can become weak and deformed if they lack it. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to rickets, which cause soft bones and skeletal deformities. 


  • Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. It’s also crucial for properly functioning the heart, muscles, and nerves.
  • Adequate Calcium intake during childhood can help prevent osteoporosis later in life, a condition in which bones become brittle and fragile from tissue loss.


  • Iron is a critical component of haemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to transport it throughout the body. Iron supports children’s growth and development and helps with hormone production.
  • An iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency globally, leading to anaemia, characterised by fatigue and weakened physical performance.

2) Acts as a Shield Against Diseases

The immune systems of children are continually evolving and being tested. As they interact with the world, they’re exposed to various pathogens.

A strong immune system is vital for children as they grow and interact with the world around them. Their developing bodies encounter a myriad of pathogens, and a robust immune system is their best defence.

Vitamins C and D and minerals such as Zinc and Selenium are at the forefront of building and maintaining this defence system.

Vitamins and Minerals a Line of Defence

Vitamin B is a group of essential nutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining good health. Vitamin B6, B9 (folic acid), and B12, can also help to boost the immune system and act as a defense against illnesses. These vitamins have been found to play a vital role in the production and function of white blood cells, which fight harmful pathogens and infections.

Vitamin C supports the immune system as a potent antioxidant that combats free radicals, reducing inflammation and boosting the body’s ability to fight infections. It enhances white blood cell production and function, protecting them from damage.

Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant that helps maintain a robust immune system. It protects cell membranes from damage and can enhance the function of immune cells. This is particularly important for children as their bodies still learn to recognise and respond to various pathogens. Vitamin E has been shown to improve immune response and protect against several infectious diseases.

Zinc is a crucial mineral that helps in cells’ normal development and function, regulating innate immunity and T-lymphocytes. A zinc deficiency can weaken the immune response and make children more vulnerable to infections. To maintain a robust immune system, ensure adequate zinc intake.

These nutrients create a multi-layered defence system within a child’s body. They enhance the body’s natural immune responses and help develop long-term immunity to protect children. It’s not just about reducing the frequency and severity of common childhood ailments; a well-supported immune system also helps children recover faster when they fall ill, ensuring they can return to their daily routines more quickly.

As children continue to grow and encounter new challenges to their health, a strong immune system will be one of their greatest assets, keeping them resilient and healthy.

3) Enhances Cognitive Development

Cognitive development in children is rapid and crucial. Specific vitamins and minerals significantly impact their brain function and neurological development.

A child’s brain development is influenced by nutrition. Nutrients like Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for enhancing brain function, including concentration, memory, and learning.

These nutrients support cognitive development in children, aiding their academic and personal growth.

Brain Boosters

Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve cell health, DNA/RNA production, brain and nerve cell function and development. Adequate levels in childhood improve cognitive performance and prevent brain atrophy and memory loss.

Deficiencies in Vitamin B12 can result in difficulties with concentration, memory lapses, and other cognitive deficits.

Vitamin D is essential for both bone and brain health. It helps in brain growth and neural connection development. Vitamin D regulates tryptophan conversion into serotonin, which affects mood and cognitive processes like learning, memory, and problem-solving.

A shortage of Vitamin D has been associated with a higher risk of developing neurocognitive disorders.

Omega-3s, especially DHA, are crucial for children’s brain health, development, and function. Studies show that they enhance learning and memory, increase concentration and attention, and reduce symptoms of developmental differences.

Sufficient intake of Omega-3 promotes cognitive function and mental well-being in children.

Certain nutrients affect children’s learning ability, mood, and behaviour. Children must consume a balanced diet rich in these nutrients to support cognitive development or take supplements when needed.

Incorporating essential nutrients such as Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet can help them process information, solve problems, and adapt to new learning environments.

4) Impacts Behaviour

While physical and cognitive health often takes the spotlight, a child’s emotional and behavioural well-being is equally important.

The Role of Nutrients in Emotional and Behavioral Health

A child’s emotional and behavioural health depends on their nutrition. Vitamins play a vital role in their physical and mental well-being. Omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins are significant in maintaining children’s emotional and behavioural health.

Omega-3s offer fats for brain function and emotional well-being. They reduce mood swings, anxiety, and depression in children and improve attention and behaviour.

B Vitamins aid brain function, energy levels, mood, and cognitive processing. Vitamin B6 helps regulate mood and cope with stress, while Vitamin B12 is crucial for neurological function. Deficiencies can lead to irritability, depression, and cognitive impairments. Sufficient intake of these vitamins can enhance children’s emotional well-being and social interactions.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Certain nutrients aid brain function and regulate mood, help children manage stress, adapt to social situations and grow emotionally balanced. Comprehending the connection between nutrition and emotional/behavioural health can be a game-changer for parents, as it presents an opportunity to promote mental health through diet and reduce issues related to mood/behaviour.

A balanced diet rich in these nutrients, supplemented when necessary, can provide a solid foundation for physical growth, emotional stability, and behavioural health, contributing to a happier, more resilient child.

5) Instills Healthy Habits Early On

Teaching children the importance of nutrition and health from an early age lays the foundation for lifelong healthy habits.

Children’s supplements can help address nutritional gaps and promote health consciousness. 

It’s An Opportunity to Learn

Natural supplements for kids create a chance for education. Discussing their importance and functions in the body and the benefits of a balanced diet promotes awareness and interest in healthy eating.

Let Them Take Responsibility

Supplement intake teach kids consistency and responsibility for their health. Reinforced by parents, this daily practice develops a sense of control over their well-being, which is invaluable for kids as they grow older.

Make it Fun for Them

To get kids to take a multivitamin daily, parents can make it fun by choosing exciting shapes and flavours, such as animal-shaped chewable tablets or multivitamin gummies. Letting children pick out their vitamins or reminding parents can help reinforce the habit. Parents can also lead by example by taking their vitamins alongside their children.

Set Them Up for Success

Childhood habits shape adult behaviour. Kids who take multivitamin supplements are taught to care for their bodies and are more likely to develop healthy habits like exercising and mindful eating, leading to better long-term health.

The Organic Choice 

In an article by Dr Axe, he writes about the importance of a nutrient-rich diet for children, and that if a balanced diet is in place, there should be little need for supplements. 

This we agree with. Multivitamins and minerals are meant to be a supplement in addition to an existing nutritious diet, not a replacement thereof. Furthermore, we agree with Dr Axe when he speaks about being conscious about the quality of the vitamins that are given to children, as these supplements should be free from additives and fillers.

Our choice at Organic Choice, regarding children’s vitamin and mineral supplements, would be Animal Parade by NaturePlus.

Animal Parade Children’s Supplements

Animal Parade Children’s Vitamins by NaturePlus are fun and easy for kids to take. They come in the form of chewable tablets that are designed as animals or in liquid form. These children’s supplements are sugar-free and are made with more than 20 organic whole foods.

The Animal Parade range is specially formulated for kids and includes unique, clean, refined, sugar-free, and allergen-free supplements. These supplements include Tummy Zyme, AcidophiKids, Kids Zinc, Immune Booster, and KidGreenz, catering to growing children’s nutritional needs. 

These multi-supplements provide kids with various vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids and beneficial probiotics that support healthy immune systems, promote average growth, and provide kid-friendly nutrients. They are sweetened with xylitol to reduce the risk of tooth decay, making them a tasty and healthy choice for kids.

Visit Us

After reading how Children’s multi-supplements are crucial for children’s overall growth and development, consider visiting Organic Choice

Online or at our shop.

We are your one-stop shop for all things health and wellness, especially when it comes to prioritising your little ones.

The Skincare Shift: Introducing Vegan Microbiome Skincare

The Skincare Shift: Introducing Vegan Microbiome Skincare

Vegan and organic skincare

In an age where beauty and wellness intersect more profoundly than ever, a new paradigm in skincare has emerged – one that honours the wisdom of nature and the power of science.

This article delves into microbiome skincare, an innovative approach that values the intricate balance of our skin’s ecosystem. By utilising organic and vegan ingredients, not only do we show respect for the skin, but we also demonstrate a profound respect for our planet.

Understanding Microbiome Skincare

The emerging trend of microbiome skincare is a concept that intertwines the intricacies of biology with the art of beauty and wellness. This revolutionary approach is redefining what it means to care for our skin, moving beyond the surface to nurture the complex ecosystem that resides within it.

The Science Behind It All

The skin microbiome refers to the vast community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that inhabit the skin. Far from being mere passengers, these microscopic inhabitants play a role in maintaining skin health.

There is still a lot of research that needs to be done as this is still an emerging field. However, it appears that a healthy microbiome should be balanced and diverse, according to research published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science.

These microorganisms aid in protecting the skin against pathogens, regulating immune responses, and influencing skin hydration and elasticity. The skin microbiome operates in a delicate balance where beneficial microorganisms keep harmful ones in check.

Imbalances can cause skin issues, so maintaining the right balance is crucial for healthy skin.

“Diversity is key. Having too much of one type of bug on the skin is a bad thing, no matter how ‘good’ the bacteria is.” – Dr Baumann, a board-certified dermatologist, author, and researcher.

The Skincare Shift

Traditional skincare routines often relied on products that, while looking to improve appearance, could disrupt the skin’s microbial balance. Harsh cleansers, for example, might strip away not just dirt and oil but also beneficial bacteria, inadvertently causing more harm than good.

Microbiome skincare marks a significant shift in this approach. It focuses on products and routines that support and enhance the skin’s natural microbiome. This means using gentle, non-disruptive ingredients, harnessing the power of probiotics, and even tailoring products to individual microbiome profiles.

The Impact of Organic and Vegan Ingredients on Skin

Organic and vegan skincare ingredients are gaining popularity due to the promotion of more sustainable and ethical beauty practices and are often preferred due to their perceived purity and safety for the skin.

Safer and Gentler on the Skin

  • Organic products avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Vegan skincare eliminates common allergens derived from animal products.
  • Organic and vegan ingredients also provide natural nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins that can help repair and rejuvenate the skin.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

  • Vegan skincare aligns with cruelty-free beauty practices.
  • Organic farming practices promote biodiversity, reduce pollution, and improve soil health.

Probiotic Skincare

Probiotics are a game-changer in skincare. They promote skin health and radiance by improving the skin’s microbiome.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that enhance the skin’s natural defence mechanisms, protecting it from harmful pathogens, reducing inflammation, and maintaining its pH balance. This helps prevent issues like dryness, irritation, and acne.

Probiotics are now commonly found in products such as cleansers, serums, moisturisers, and masks. The addition of probiotics aims to support and add beneficial bacteria to the skin, promoting a more holistic approach to skincare.

Probiotic skincare offers a promising path to a healthier, more resilient, and radiant complexion by harnessing the power of beneficial bacteria.

More Than Just Ingredients

Sustainability in the beauty industry has evolved beyond just using organic ingredients. Today, it involves a more holistic approach with the consideration of every aspect of product creation, from sourcing and manufacturing to packaging and disposal.

To achieve true sustainability, all stages of the process must be taken into account:

  1. Ethical Sourcing involves responsible ingredient harvesting, fair labour practices, and transparency for consumers to understand ingredient sourcing.
  2. Eco-friendly packaging, such as biodegradable and recyclable materials, minimalist designs, refillable containers, and package-free products, can significantly reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to solving the global problem of plastic pollution.
  3. Sustainable Manufacturing Processes involve energy-efficient methods, minimal water waste, and chemical reduction. Brands use renewable energy, conserve water, and practice green chemistry. These reduce environmental damage and ensure safer working conditions.
  4. Sustainable Skincare Choices mean less pollution, gentler products without harmful chemicals, and a lower carbon footprint. Choosing eco-friendly beauty products empowers consumers to make a positive impact that values the planet’s health.

The Role of Inclusive Skincare

Inclusive skin care is vital to address diverse skin types and concerns. Each person’s skin is unique due to genetics, environment, lifestyle, and health.

Catering to Diverse Skin Types

Using products formulated for different skin types is crucial for improving skin health. Sensitive skin benefits from non-irritating ingredients, dry skin needs intensive hydration, oily skin requires balancing formulations, and products for ageing skin contain ingredients that support elasticity and reduce fine lines.

Personalised skincare tailors routines and products looking to address specific concerns and goals. It combines hydration-focused products for dry, acne-prone skin and anti-ageing serums for sensitive skin. The objective is to create a regimen that adapts to changing conditions and lifestyles.

Incorporating Conscious Skincare into Daily Routines

Integrating mindful skincare practices into daily routines requires understanding one’s skin and the impact of different products and ingredients.

Tips for a Seamless Skincare Integration

  1. Understand your skin type and concerns to choose the right products
  2. Do a patch test before fully integrating new products
  3. Keep your routine simple by focusing on essential products
  4. Stay informed about new research and developments in skincare

Suggested Routines for Different Skin Types

  1. Dry Skin: Cleanse with a gentle, hydrating cleanser, use a hydrating toner, apply a rich moisturiser, and consider adding a hydrating serum or face oil.
  2. Oily Skin: Use a gentle foaming cleanser and an alcohol-free toner. Opt for a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturiser and consider using a serum with ingredients like niacinamide.
  3. Sensitive Skin: Choose fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products. Start with a mild cleanser, a soothing toner and a moisturiser that calms the skin.
  4. Ageing Skin: Incorporate products with antioxidants, retinol, and peptides. Start with a hydrating cleanser, followed by a toner, a targeted serum, and a moisturiser that supports skin elasticity.

Embracing inclusive and conscious skincare is about understanding and respecting your skin’s unique needs and characteristics.

The Organic Choice

In the quest for skincare that is not only effective but also ethical and sustainable, Organic Choice proudly presents Esse – a brand that embodies the essence of conscious beauty. As our chosen product solution, Esse stands out for its innovative skincare approach, harmonising nature’s power with cutting-edge science.

Esse Skincare: Pioneering Conscious Skincare

Esse microbiome and vegan skincareEsse Skincare is at the forefront of the microbiome skincare movement, creating organic and vegan products that balance the skin’s natural microbiome.

Esse offers a wide range of products designed for modern skincare enthusiasts’ evolving needs. Each product is a testament to the brand’s dedication to organic, vegan, and probiotic ingredients, ensuring that your skincare routine is as beneficial for the environment as it is for your skin.

Readers interested in exploring Esse’s range can find their products on our website.

By choosing products that align with the values highlighted in this article, we do more than just care for our skin; we participate in a movement that cherishes the planet and all its inhabitants.

Differences between Atlantic, Himalayan, Kalahari and Celtic Salt

Differences between Atlantic, Himalayan, Kalahari and Celtic Salt

Celtic salt and different salt types.

For those who frequent organic food shops, the decision between Celtic Salt, Atlantic Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Kalahari Salt and Table Salt extends beyond mere seasoning. This choice reflects a commitment to holistic well-being and ethical consumption.

We at Organic Choice aim to provide insights that enable informed choices, aligning your culinary desires with your journey in organic living.


Celtic Sea Salt: What is everyone saying?

Thanks to Barbara O’Neill, there has been a considerable spike in the Celtic Sea Salt trend on platforms such as TikTok. O’Neill gained a lot of support for her input on the significance of Celtic Salt Water.

Her emphasis is on the following:

  • Water and salt are crucial for health.
  • Hydration is essential to keep the body healthy and energised, and proper sodium intake is necessary for glucose absorption.
  • Dehydration can cause high blood pressure and decreased nutrient absorption. Water therapy and Celtic salt can help hydrate the body and improve health.
  • Sea water has a similar mineral balance to blood and can improve circulation and waste elimination.
  • Celtic salt, with 82 minerals, is closer to the natural composition of seawater.
  • Drinking three litres of water a day can relieve pain and improve health.

The trend sees users place Celtic Sea Salt under/on their tongues and drink a glass of water. O’Neill says that putting salt directly on the tongue improves absorption and hydration due to its magnesium content.


Unpacking the Differences Between Salt Types

Rock Salt and Sea Salt are two types of salt that differ in their origin, texture, and mineral content. 

Both types of salt have unique uses and properties, and it’s essential to understand the differences between them to choose the right type of salt for your needs.

Rock Salt

Rock Salt is mined from underground salt deposits found in regions such as the UK, Poland, and the United States is primarily composed of sodium chloride with fewer trace minerals. This type of salt typically originates from ancient dried-up sea beds and is harvested from large salt mines.

Renowned for its milder, saltier taste, rock salt often has a coarser, less refined texture. In addition, it finds its use in de-icing roads and preserving food and spa treatments for its therapeutic properties and water-softening systems.

Sea Salt

In contrast, Sea Salt is harvested from evaporated seawater in coastal regions, including the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coasts. It is known for its more complex flavour profile, infused with subtle mineral notes. The mineral richness, including sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, stems from its marine source.

Sea salt’s textures range from fine to coarse, making it a versatile choice in culinary applications, where it is celebrated for enhancing the flavour and texture of dishes and is a preferred ingredient for gourmet cooking.

Mineral Differences

Different salts like Celtic Sea Salt, Atlantic Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Kalahari Salt, and Table Salt boast varied mineral compositions.

To illustrate these differences, we’ve included a chart below. This table provides a visual overview of each type’s mineral content, making it easier to comprehend and compare:

Mineral Celtic Salt Atlantic Sea Salt Himalayan Salt Kalahari Salt Table Salt
mg/100g mg/100g mg/100g mg/100g mg/100g
Sodium (Na) 37,200 mg 40,600 mg 39,400 mg Varies by region 39,300 mg
Chloride (Cl) 53,000 mg Varies by region 59,300 mg Varies by region 60,300 mg
Magnesium (Mg) 698,00 mg Varies by region 105 mg Varies by region Trace
Calcium (Ca) 223 mg 190 mg 241 mg Varies by region 120 mg
Potassium (K) 231 mg 56.60 mg 268 mg Varies by region Trace
Sulfur (S) 600 mg Varies by region 590 mg Varies by region Trace
Phosphorus (P) 270 mg Varies by region 560 mg Varies by region Trace
Iodine (I) Varies (trace) Varies (trace) Varies (trace) Varies by region Typically added (trace)
Iron (Fe) <5 mg Varies (trace) <5 mg Varies by region Trace
Zinc (Zn) <1 mg Varies (trace) <1 mg Varies by region Trace
Copper (Cu) <2 mg <2 mg <2 mg Varies by region Trace
Manganese (Mn) Trace Varies (trace) 0.1 mg Varies by region Trace

Please note that for Kalahari Salt, as with Atlantic Sea Salt, the mineral composition can vary based on the specific region where it is harvested. The values provided for Kalahari Salt are approximate averages and can differ depending on the source. The mineral content in table salt may also vary based on the brand and whether it is iodised or not.


Celtic Salt

Salt Type: Sea

Origins and Geography: Also known as Sel Gris or grey salt, Celtic sea salt is traditionally harvested in the coastal regions of Brittany, France, particularly from the Guérande salt marshes. These marshes are situated along the Atlantic Ocean, where the sea’s influence is crucial in the salt’s formation.

Mineral Composition and Health Benefits: Celtic sea salt is rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, and zinc, and its grey colour comes from minerals absorbed from the clay lining of salt ponds. These minerals provide essential nutrients often lacking in modern diets and support overall health.

Harvesting and Processing:

  1. Seawater is channelled into shallow clay ponds and allowed to evaporate naturally under the sun and wind.
  2. Celtic sea salt is hand-raked and hand-harvested by skilled workers.
  3. It retains moisture from the ponds’ clay lining, contributing to its distinctive grey colour and mineral-rich composition.
  4. This traditional approach results in a coarse, moist salt with a unique flavour profile due to its mineral content and the clay it comes into contact with during harvesting.

Culinary and Flavour Profiles:

  • Celtic sea salt has a mild, briny flavour with subtle mineral notes due to its rich mineral content. It enhances the natural flavours of ingredients without overpowering them.
  • It is ideal for adding a finishing touch to dishes, as its coarse texture provides a delightful crunch. Use it to top off fresh salads, grilled meats, and roasted vegetables.

The end product: Celtic Sea Salt


Atlantic Salt 

Salt Type: Sea

Origins and Geography: Atlantic Sea Salt is harvested from various coastal regions worldwide, including the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and other seas adjacent to different continents. Its characteristics can vary depending on the specific coastal region where it’s collected.

Mineral Composition and Health Benefits: The mineral content in Atlantic Salt varies by region and typically includes sodium, chloride, magnesium, and trace elements in seawater. While less diverse than other salts, it’s still a healthier option than processed table salt.

Harvesting and Processing

  1. Seawater is collected in salt pans, and the sun and wind facilitate the natural evaporation.
  2. It is typically processed through mechanical evaporation or minimal heat treatment to remove excess water.
  3. Some variations may undergo minimal refinement, while others are processed to a fine-grain size.
  4. The characteristics of Atlantic Sea Salt can vary widely depending on the specific coastal region of origin.

Culinary and Flavour Profiles:

  • The flavour of Atlantic Sea Salt varies, but it generally offers a clean, oceanic taste with a hint of brininess. It can range from subtle to more pronounced in flavour. Atlantic Sea Salt is available in various grain sizes, from fine to coarse.
  • The choice of texture can influence its applications. Make use of fine Atlantic Salt for baking and general seasoning and coarse Atlantic Salt for grilling, seasoning meat before cooking, and rimming cocktail glasses.

The end product: Atlantic Sea Salt


Himalayan Salt

Salt Type: Rock

Origins and Geography: Often called Pink Salt, Himalayan Salt is extracted from the Khewra Salt Mine in the Punjab region of Pakistan, near the Himalayan mountain range. The salt formed in this region millions of years ago when ancient oceans dried up.

Mineral Composition and Health Benefits: Himalayan salt is pink due to iron oxide and contains sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and trace minerals like iron, zinc, and manganese. It’s praised for its trace minerals that can improve overall health and hydration, prevent muscle cramps, and balance pH levels in the body.

Harvesting and Processing:

  1. Himalayan Salt is mined from underground salt deposits and is extracted using traditional mining techniques.
  2. After extraction, Himalayan Salt is hand-crushed, washed, and sometimes stone-ground to produce different grain sizes, from fine to coarse.
  3. It is not subjected to extensive processing or chemical treatments.
  4. The pink colour and rich mineral content of Himalayan Salt come from the ancient seabed where it formed millions of years ago. It is considered one of the purest forms of salt and is often used in culinary and decorative applications.

Culinary and Flavour Profiles:

  • Himalayan Salt imparts a mild, subtle saltiness with a hint of mineral complexity. It is less salty than table salt, allowing the ingredients’ natural flavours to shine. It is available in various grain sizes, from fine to coarse, as the texture can vary. Its granulated form is excellent for enhancing the presentation of dishes.
  • It is versatile and can be used for cooking, grilling, and seasoning. Try it as a cooking surface for grilling or as a serving platter for dishes like sushi or sashimi.

The end product: Himalayan Salt


Kalahari Salt

Salt Type: Rock

Origins and Geography: Kalahari Salt is sourced from the arid and ancient Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, a region known for its unique and pristine salt pans. This remote desert landscape, with its mineral-rich soil and pristine conditions, contributes to the distinct qualities of Kalahari Salt.

Mineral Composition and Health Benefits: Renowned for its exceptional mineral richness, Kalahari Salt contains essential minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Unlike heavily processed table salt, Kalahari Salt retains these vital nutrients, making it a healthier choice for culinary use.

Harvesting and Processing

  1. Kalahari Salt is harvested through a traditional and sustainable method known as solar evaporation.
  2. Seawater from underground aquifers slowly rises to the surface and naturally evaporates by the sun and wind.
  3. This process ensures minimal environmental impact and helps preserve the unique mineral composition of Kalahari Salt.

Culinary and Flavour Profiles:

  • Kalahari Salt boasts a distinct and well-rounded flavour profile, often described as subtly earthy and slightly sweet, with a delicate hint of mineral complexity.
  • Its fine texture makes it versatile for various culinary applications, including seasoning, baking, and finishing dishes.

The end product: Kalahari Salt


Table Salt

Salt Type: Sea or Rock

Origins and Geography: Table Salt is typically derived from salt mines or obtained through the evaporation of seawater in various parts of the world. It lacks the natural minerals found in the other salts and may not retain the same regional characteristics.

Mineral Composition and Health Benefits: Refined to remove impurities, Table Salt primarily contains sodium, chloride, and iodine. However, it lacks the diverse range of minerals found in other salts. Consuming excessive sodium can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure.

Harvesting and Processing:

  1. Most table salt is derived from mining salt deposits through drilling and blasting.
  2. Table Salt is heavily processed to remove impurities and minerals. It undergoes chemical treatments to bleach and prevent caking.
  3. In some cases, to avoid iodine deficiency, they add iodine.
  4. The extensive processing of table salt results in refined, uniform grains. It is primarily composed of sodium chloride, often with added iodine.

Culinary and Flavour Profiles

  • Table Salt has a clean, sharp saltiness but lacks the complexity and subtlety of other salts due to its extensive processing and the removal of minerals. Due to this, it is finely ground and pours easily, which makes it often preferred for its uniform texture.
  • It is often used for everyday seasoning during cooking, baking, and in recipes where precise measurements are essential. It dissolves quickly and is suitable for brining, pickling, and seasoning sauces, soups, and stews.

The end product: Table Salt


Health Considerations

Consuming salt moderately is crucial for good health, whereas excessive salt intake, irrespective of its type, can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health issues. While each type of salt provides a unique mineral profile, focusing on a balanced diet rich in whole foods to meet your mineral needs is more important than relying solely on salt.


Your Organic Choice

By providing this information, we hope to empower our customers to decide what suits their needs and preferences best. This approach ensures that you can make an informed decision and select a salt type that will not only enhance the flavour of your food but also cater to your dietary and health requirements.

To explore our diverse product range, browse our website or come and visit us in-store. We are happy to be a part of your organic journey.