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Digestal Tincture (NeoGenesis Health)


This fortifying and soothing formula is designed to address a wide range of digestive imbalances, ranging from insufficient enzyme production, through IBS, to constipation. Indicated whenever rouleau, protein linkage, bowel patterns, dark centres or intestinal irritation is observed. Stimulates the whole spectrum of digestive functions – to build and enhance digestion.

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Ingredients: Swedish Bitters Mix (German Recipe 19 Herbs), Gentian (Gentian lutea) Angelica (Angelica archangelica), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare), German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra),
5:1 Potency Botanical Extracts, extracted in Alkaline Solé Water Britsh Pharmacopoeia process.

  • No Colourants
  • No Preservatives
  • No Sugar, Wheat or Animal products.

Direction to use:
Adults: 30 drops 3 x daily (or 45 drops 2x daily) in a glass of water/juice, or as advised by your health practitioner.
Children: Half the adult dose.

Contra-indications: None known. However, if adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult your health practitioner.

Warning: NOT suitable for use during pregnancy/ breast-feeding.

10 important reasons why NeoGenesis Tinctures are so special:

  1. All tinctures are between 1:3 and 1:5 extract strength, compared to the 1:10 tinctures that are commercially available. This makes NeoGenesis formulations 2-3 times stronger, ensuring high potency and efficacy.
  2. Extracted in a base of Solé water + ethanol.
  3. Enhanced and energised by the addition of concentrated ionic trace minerals. Solé water and ionic minerals form a powerful alkaline base and transport system.
  4. Specifically formulated to successfully address the most prevalent live and dry blood anomalies.
  5. Tested over time in live blood patients to ensure the most effective combination of ingredients.
  6. Formulas are comprehensive and multi-angled as treatments on their own, but can also be combined successfully in protocols.
  7. Only the highest quality and organic botanical derivatives are used in NeoGenesis products, sourced from reputable suppliers across the world, including many grown organically on their local partner farm.
  8. Control of freshness, potency & formulation. Freshness of the herb is of prime importance to the quality of the final tincture. NeoGenesis tinctures are made with the freshest organically grown, wild-crafted herbs. The correct interaction of menstruum (mixture of pure ethyl-alcohol and water) with the herb assures the tincture’s potency and efficacy.
  9. Purity: There are no additives, preservatives, fillers and other unnecessary ingredients in NeoGenesis tinctures.
  10. Synergy of ingredients: A true formula as a tincture delivers a greater healing power than a single herb.

Disclaimer:  This product is not intended to replace any prescription medicine and is not intended to treat, cure or mitigate any medical disease.

Manufactured under GMP by Neogenesis Health Products, South Africa.


NeoGenesis Health

Neogenesis Health is a local business involved in the development and distribution of a wide range of powerful natural medicines to correct the imbalances in the biological terrain. NeoGenesis Health products’ focus is on creating unique, cutting edge products that are organic, pure and effective.
NeoGenesis Health Products


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