The Fruit Cellar Dried Persimmons (Tierhoek Organic Farm)


The Fruit Cellar Dried Persimmons are hand crafted from choice grade ripe persimmons sourced from local Western Cape farmers. Fresh fruits dried on the farm.
No Sulphur Dioxide. No Preservatives.

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Ingredients: Persimmons

About The Fruit Cellar
Alison & Bruce Gilson of Tierhoek Organics are well known for their wonderful certified organic jams and dried fruit. However, if you know anything about organic farming in South Africa, you’ll also know there aren’t many truly certified organic fruit farmers locally, so organic fruit remains in short supply.
Having had decades of experience, Tierhoek have developed significant expertise in the sulphur-free dried fruit production process and they’ve decided to launch a non-organic preservative- and sulphur-free range to provide more options for their customers under the brand name The Fruit Cellar.

Difference between Sulphur and Sulphur Dioxide
Sulphur is used in organic farming as a fungicide and insecticide. However this has been cleaned off by the time fruit and vegetables are harvested.
Sulphur Dioxide is used widely in the dried fruit industry to preserve dried fruit from moulds and insect growth. It is this sulphur that people have an allergy towards and which is not used in The Fruit Cellar range.
Fresh fruit is sourced from local Western Cape farmers who are Global G.A.P. and export certified. This means they farm with a minimum of sprays, in some cases no chemicals at all, as well as adhering to strict environmental and labour regulations
With demand for preservative free dried fruits growing, The Fruit Cellar range offers unique locally produced products that fill the gap where certified organic fruits are not available.
The Fruit Cellar product range includes dried fruit selection (including exotic dry blueberries and persimmons, as well as savoury range of dried veggies and delicious fruit jams.
By buying locally The Fruit Cellar uses fruit that would otherwise be thrown away, due to sun damage or under sizing, thereby assisting local farmers and producing quality dried fruit for their customers.


Tierhoek Organic Farm

A family-run “Farm to Fork” business that believes in the principles of quality, integrity, honesty and teamwork. Tierhoek jams and dried fruit take you back to those simple, delicious days when your grandmother baked fresh bread layered with home-made jam and offered you dried fruit still bursting with flavour. Tierhoek team uses fresh, sun-ripened produce from their organic farms in the Noree Valley, Robertson, South Africa. What they cannot grow ourselves they source from similar certified organic farms to ensure organic integrity. No sulphur, no preservatives, just healthy, delicious products full of natural goodness. Tierhoek Valley is an ideal place to farm organically. The focus of the farm is to protect our natural heritage while also making a viable business from their orchards. Tierhoek team works hard to make everything of the highest quality – from their fresh fruit, jams and dried fruit to their elegant guests’ cottages. Apricots and plums as well as some varieties of peach are particularly good in this region so they have planned their orchards with different varieties to fill their harvest time from mid-November until end of March. Part of Tierhoek organic management plan is to be as sustainable and ecologically aware as possible in all that they do. They use an electric golf cart for transportation on the farm, they have solar heating in most of their houses and for the hot water in the production kitchen. All the dried fruit is packed in Good for the Ground biodegradable packaging made 100% from starch. They recycle all their rubbish through the municipal sites and any organic matter is fed to their pigs or chickens. Biodiesel is used to power their tractors and farm vehicles and is an excellent way of re-cycling a potential pollutant in our town.
Tierhoek Organic Farm


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